Monday, March 7, 2011

Relieve Kidne Stone Pain Fast

Molan not Nothing (8)

In general, all medical acts are very annoying (before, during and sometimes after). On the one hand, they are annoying in themselves, because they assume, in one way or another, attacks on our own body. It is assumed, though, that with the best intentions.
Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Madrid
(Source: jovenesfuencarral )

And, moreover, are particularly annoying because I always fear that the results end up facing new restrictions, prohibitions, recommendations, threats ... In a blood test, a statistically always ends up being any of the values \u200b\u200bis either very high or very low. That if the cholesterol, if uric acid, triglycerides, if ... I always end up with a board (or order) to stop smoking or diet, or drinking less alcohol and more water, or any other recommendation is basically against our own line of pleasure. And that when it is not more serious issues that warrant further testing to rule out possibilities or to confirm diagnoses.

many months ago I was quoted in the Ramón y Cajal Hospital on Thursday for an extraction (what a nice euphemism) to perform a blood test and an echocardiogram. The citation for the analysis was at ten o'clock and, initially, for the echocardiogram I was quoted at 12. Well, I had time breakfast and rest after and before the other face. But a few weeks ago I received a letter from the Hospital, which changed my planning echocardiogram noon at four afternoon peak.

I played, then two trips to the hospital, one in the morning and afternoon.

At ten least ten was in the basement where they have enabled Central Extractions (certainly not called that, but it is certainly a vampire rule). There are a few booths, separated by a curtain public many forget to close again. Had to bore people, but everyone was already assigned to a specific cabin. Occasionally someone out of the cab to pick up the flyers we were expecting, and then we were called one by one. I sat in the waiting (not that there site), but was not very long.

The truth is that you go getting nervous (I've always been very apprehensive for these things). You see people come and go of all kinds, and when carrying out his bare arm with a cotton and a bandage attached with the other hand, and face a few friends, if not directly to poor health.

The waiting area is rather crowded, with many people, and an unhealthy appearance (almost would rather Third World).
(Source: olympuslatinoamerica )

But then they call you by your name and enter the cabin it's your turn. And inside, the thing completely changes. There were two lovely girls, vampire instincts, yes, but in the end no more than a job. Willing to follow anyone's joke, which has to be supremely bored spend hours there watching the arms of all sizes and genres while endlessly puncturing and removing all the time. Each is next to his own chair of torture.

Naked arm to touch and sit on the couch, with more fear than shame, trying to joke a little to relax some of the stress. I have the habit of reporting on the difficulty that my arms to find the right place to click. I think that makes them feel more comfortable, less useless if you do not see clearly. And then look for another party, leaving do.

At one point I closed my eyes and the girl I had corresponded warned me not to, because I could feel dizzy as when going by car and close your eyes . Well, if you drive a car and close your eyes, mishaps can happen much higher caliber than just dizzy. He recommended that I look the other way, but anyway, this is already . It is the only sentence that transports you joy while sitting in the chair of torture.

Restores your jacket or whatever, you say goodbye, and salts soul takes flight like the devil. I think there was much Later in the quarter past ten when I left.

afternoon I went for echocardiography (I'm not sure what its exact name). There, the wait was considerably longer (just over an hour), but this time on the third floor, in an area a little more cozy. When I finally took my turn, I went through the door with a giant sign and got NO GO to the area of \u200b\u200brooms for that test. I had to wait another few minutes, but soon I was asked to go into one of them. strip the torso and lie on the couch . We stick together suckers cables across several areas of the torso, and there tumbadito until you reach the doctor who will perform the test.

Interestingly, it is very common that doctor, unlike most you see around the hospital, do not wear white coats, but she often dressed very dapper with his Bow Ties and more. Or, as this time, you play a young doctor who looks more like a Freakie of Twitter. Occasionally, it appeared that of the tie to supervise their work.

I had already made another for over a year and then I would not inject anything. Only the cold sensor (impregnated with a liquid) hand that moves the doctor contact the patient's body (the area where it is supposed that walks the heart, of course) while driving the vehicle and keys, mouse, joystick and it touches. But this time it seems that the window (do not know very well what he meant) was small and needed more brightness and contrast. With that he touched another puncture (with its inherent difficulties, as I said) and injection (perfectly synchronized) to a reagent that facilitates vision and machine health.
Something is
machine next to the graves you
echocardiography (Source: trivenetocuore )

When finished, normally very little communication. Nurse reappears (for these jobs are usually very senior, must be a lot more comfortable working the plant nurse, and comes only with years of service) and tells you to view again and now you can longer there. But this time the junior doctor let something like (addressing me) that gets very good and is a good machine in there . Although I'm not, far from an expert, but it sounds good!.

disappear You dress and fuck out of there, which they manage to remain. Sales outside and enjoy the leaden gray sky like the Caribbean. You smoke a cigarette of life, and you get a house, which seems to want rain.

is nothing that I advocate does not mean you do not recognize the tremendous work done by doctors and nurses in these hospitals, with total dedication to service and dedication.

But, definitely, I would prefer that their care did not have them to lend to me.



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