Monday, March 21, 2011

Letting Eyebrows Grow Out Before Wax

of Civil War and Intervention in Libya

few weeks ago, and warned that the situation was being planned in Libya was much danger of lead towards an authentic Civil War.
Muammar Gaddafi, Libya's ruler powerful
(Source: almamagazine )

Indeed, the house of cards that were demolished without excessive resistance in Tunisia and Egypt, have nothing to do with the resistance and resilience of a guy like Gaddafi and his entourage or family cohort, militiamen, and utilized in general. I have been told by active and passive, they do not intend to leave Libya or the power, and will fight to the death if necessary, to defend yourself and stay in power.

In recent weeks, we attended a pre-war situation has been escalating into a civil war in which Gaddafi and his supporters have tried every means to neutralize, annul, reduce, murder in sum, the rebels opposed to his regime, who have occupied the eastern part of the country, as flagship Benghazi.

All media used by Gaddafi have included air strikes on its territory and its own population, and armored attacks against armed rebels so succinctly. Left to their own whims, the situation in Libya would have led, undoubtedly, to the annihilation of all the rebels, to reconquer the lost territory and consolidation of Gaddafi and his family as a great tyrant of Libya. It would have been thousands or tens of thousands dead, that Gaddafi and his sons have already been commissioned to brand scrap, acolytes of Al-Qaeda and child rapists, should it necessarily be so.

The Security Council UN made a resolution to authorize (or advocate, I do not know very well what is the protocol), an Allied military operation (as always U.S. front, and the United Kingdom and France, in this case, with direct intervention, with other countries like Spain, providing logistical and military support). The objective statement of this operation, called Odyssey, Dawn, is to protect the human rights of the Libyan population. That is, you can follow to avoid being massacred by unequal or unfair means (such as aerial bombardment, armored cars, etc). United States would stay in the background, and give prominence to France and Britain, but the reality is imposed.
Rebels Ras Lanuf, after a bombing Gaddafi
(Source: )

In other words, the aim of this operation is that Gaddafi has to kill, from now on, your opponents one to one .

political and diplomatic language is provided in a number of twists and nuances that often is difficult to see clearly what is intended. In other words, what has to happen to Dawn Odyssey can be completed, given that you have met their stated objectives.

Some might think that the international initiative is in line to overthrow Gaddafi and the Libyan people help to build a new system, much more free and democratic, to rule their country. Nothing could be further from the truth. As some soldiers have already reported, the operation could be concluded without the overthrow Gaddafi.

So what are we playing?. Gaddafi as to disarm the elements that allow you to maintain an unequal fight with the rebels, basically destroy (or cancel) the Air Force and (perhaps) the tanks. After this operation, Gaddafi will have to continue fighting against the rebels, but as struggling . A complete and utter fallacy.

Libya is in Civil War. And what the West has chosen file nails is the dictator.
Libya is only hundreds of kilometers from the island of Crete
or Sicilian
(Source: )

Perhaps we can not (or do not we?) to get clearly in favor of the rebels, of the population that is contrary to the continuity of Gaddafi as head of state. Maybe we do not know to help them overthrow Gaddafi, and the possibility of building a new regime to like most of the Libyan people.

Consider, moreover, that the mood and intentions of the rebels called are absolutely unknown to the West. Of them only know that opposing Gaddafi. What we want to build then it will, where appropriate, a relative surprise.

But then, make no mistake. Gaddafi are irritating, and are not willing to help overthrow (which could come later, also frightens us.) When Gaddafi, if he can stay in power, send us as revenge terrorist attacks (that road already known), we must accept it as the rains of March.

Resigned and without question.



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