Thursday, March 3, 2011

Color Pop Bracelet Meanings

Sortu: Another Missed Opportunity

When issued the formation of this new left party Basque nationalist, I launched the bells ringing , confident that this time it was for real.
SORTU presentation of
(Source: orange )

had hoped that independence had left at last understood the need integrated into the normal political game , which was fully prepared to resign and renounce violence as absolutely negative and counterproductive to their own political objectives.

I find that having a legal political group in the arch of the ideas would benefit all, and very decisively contribute to the normalization of coexistence in the Basque Country. At the same time give voice to citizens who feel Basque independence as a political goal for which to fight (peacefully). Do not get along with their ideas, and I think exaggerated nationalism and the independence movement are opposed to progress, are against the progress of time, and are basically backward and reactionary. But democracy is that, in the skin left to also have a voice those who think completely different from what I can think of. This is the democratic game.

However, after only a few weeks since its coming-out, and it seems clear to (almost) everyone that the weights are still there, that the weight of past history and are tipping the balance toward understanding of the existence of an armed gang that, nominally at least, supports similar goals. I say nominally because ETA has long, if ever it was, it ceased to be a Basque separatist guerrilla group or anything like that. At least since the advent of democracy in Spain (if not always), their existence has no political motivation at all, and merely be a radical armed group populated by criminals and mafia.

Sortu Weeks before appearing in the public arena, ETA had announced a permanent ceasefire and verifiable, which is proving to be just talk to gain time, and does not respond to any clear desire the band dissolved, disappearing and clean up its image with the law, to pay their crimes and to start a peaceful reintegration. Although from the outset it was clear that this statement was not what society expected of them, the recent arrests of command fully armed, with stocks of explosives and ready to act to kill, that's all they do, it seems, has been to confirm the fear that the cease-fire is not the hot air and, of course, is not verifiable.
Presentation of the Statute (02/09/1911)
accompanied by some members of Sinn Fein Irish
(Source: catalunyapress )

Sortu had a golden opportunity to move toward standardization and confirm that what has been written in its statutes custom responds to the reality of their thoughts, ideas and feelings. Instead of silence that have been performed, could have joined in the applause of society by the action of the Security Forces, which do go in the direction of achieving normalization of coexistence. But the burden they can, are the same and just as they were and what they have written and said to get get to the elections and take some institutions, it is all hot air and self-serving tactic. Or, what is worse, can not bite the hand that feeds them .

Having seen, more often that will happen in the coming weeks is that legalization will not progress and can not therefore participate as a group in the May elections. This Thursday, the State attorney general has raised a demand in this direction, including reports from the National Police and Civil Guard that support this vision.

is a shame, anger and a disappointment to see that the worst expectations have been met and that the whole framework has proved to be just another missed opportunity. And that the same day as a survey reveals that a considerable percentage of the Basque population believes it is lawful to use violence. That can not graduating rather than social disease . A portion (small but not negligible) of Basque society is sick, and spread to the rest, causing a lack of standardization that does not appear to have been able to overcome so far.

The nationalist left (and all their supporters) should understand, once and for all, that the only viable future is the complete disappearance of ETA, its dissolution, the delivery of arms the purge of the crimes, and trust that Basque society (and all of English society in general) will never forget, because it is useless to ask for forgiveness. There are no shortcuts, no third way. In a free and democratic world as we live, it makes no sense to use violence to defend any idea. For we must all understand that our idea is not the only idea and, of course, that our idea is not only valid.
Logo of the organization pending to legalize
(Source: zangotzahitza )

And apparently seen, the only chance left-wing nationalism is free, once and for all, the burden of ETA. And then form a new party with no strategic intentions and tactics, with no elections in sight, ready to serve in public life extra-democratic, to convince everyone and themselves that this is the only acceptable disposition. If they manage to live for two years (for example) have succeeded in proving that his spirit is democratic, even though their ideas are different, or even very different from those of others (but who does not think differently than a neighbor?) , demonstrating that they are disconnected from all violence and are willing to play the democratic game in which we are all others, then you can have a role in the institutions. But it is clear that, in institutions, political filoetarras not fit to justify violence. Politicians who do not fit the crime apology and criminals, be it ETA or some call it corruption.

sure there must be some good people in Sortu, but have lost the battle to the usual. And there is no greater folly to think that the result will be different doing business as usual.

I have no other choice. The possible alternatives have been burning one after another.



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