Friday, March 18, 2011

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The Lesson of Japanese Fears

While in Europe and in America are trembling with fear, like schoolboys before a quiz, the serenity with which the Japanese people is facing the latest developments is worthy of mention and praise.
Logo at the entrance to the EXPO90, Osaka (Japan)
(JMBigas, August 1990)

are working hard, as is common in them, in order to limit the inevitable damage caused by the terrible earthquake and tsunami that have suffered in recent days. A country with a debt reaches 200% of GDP, will have to borrow even more to tackle the reconstruction of the devastated areas. But perhaps much of this debt will be bought by the Japanese themselves, Thanks to its enviable ability to save, and have deep confidence in their own country.

By contrast, the reactions in the West in general and the European Union in particular, have been agitated and fearful. Have turned very strong words like apocalypse, do not contribute at all to improve or resolve the situation.

Moreover, the debate on nuclear energy between us is definitely ideological. In practice there are only favorable to go (with different arguments, and often quite apparent interest) and critics of all that sounds, from near or far, to nuclear. I emphasize what I said a few days ago , that nuclear has very bad press because its first public appearance was in the form of the most destructive bombs ever used. It is true that nuclear power has risks, but nothing that is not possible to control and limit. All human activities have some risk.

not think it is up to no good overprotection seems that some left (especially) seeks to impose. We are not allowed to smoke in public places, because the snuff has some health risks, we are forced to drive at speeds reduced, because the speed is at risk, children are so overprotected, that the first contact the insurance field which is causing an allergy, or diarrhea, or whatever. We must learn to convivr to risks, or never know control, limit, master.
Ginza district in Tokyo, the paradigm of consumerism
(Source: )

I think it is being unfair to nuclear energy. Has obvious risks (the possibility of potentially dangerous radiation release health, or life, seems to be the biggest in its various forms). When a disaster like these days in Japan, is found also that there are factors of greed, laziness or corruption, which increase the actual risk. Technology advances every minute, and some nuclear plants built many years ago, may not have the required levels of security and technology today can provide.

But even then, it seems out of place to raise the closure of a nuclear plant. I believe that within their life cycle, there must be several milestones that pass through preventive maintenance and reconstruction, total or partial-past a number of years in operation. This, of course, results in a higher cost of energy produced by this means. But the cost comparison should be with nobility and straightforward. Estimating the cost of producing a kilowatt-hour should be considering all costs. Including, importantly, the lifetime of the assets and the cost of reconstruction or adaptation to new standards of safety and others.

Well, the debate is over.

But I spoke in Japan, and I would like to develop a little argument. I was in Japan a few days in 1990, the year of EXPO90 Osaka. I like to visit, but if one day disappear, do not look for me there. I have not clear why, but I found a place where I felt comfortable. In this very decisively influence the language, quite cryptic to a Westerner, but perhaps more definitive form, a philosophy of life that is far from what we're used around here.
Waterfront Golden Temple in Kyoto
(JMBigas, August 1990)

At that time, the conclusion that I took the trip that the country is very prosperous from the end of the Second World War and was the second world economy for many years, non-reinvested capital gains, income, profits, improving the quality of life for its citizens. I lived most colossal traffic jams I've never met, because the road infrastructure were well below what is expected of a rich country like Japan. An average Japanese made a lot of money, but because he spent living in Tokyo or other big cities, where everything tends to be arbitrarily expensive, particularly housing, for example. That creates the fiction that wealthy citizens according to international standards, relatively poor living conditions, or at least nothing comfortable for a Western mentality. Floors very small and expensive, often several hours away from the workplace.

That was offset by the wealth that could deploy in their trips abroad. The money they earned in Japan gave much better performance during their holidays abroad to live at home. That's why we have always been Japanese for half the world's airports with several bottles XO Cognac over a hundred euros each.

But now the Japanese are giving us a lesson that we should not forget. They believe in what they say or ask for their rulers. They feel part of their country, and do not notice the efforts and personal sacrifices to help improve it, to rebuild. Do not give in to despair or panic. Feel, without doubt, the same emotions as anyone else to the thousands of deaths that caused the earthquake and tsunami. But explosively express their emotions compel others to share, or at least to understand, and his modesty and social conscience prevents him.

Not all, but much we learn from the Japanese, who these days are showing their best qualities. Eastern philosophy is different from ours, rooted in Judeo-Christian, do not forget. But equally respectable. And their inclusion in society in which they live is worthy of envy to all citizens of the European Union, we look at the navel stop, avert our eyes to what we do not like, vilified the country we live in, but not do much to improve it, we avoid the responsibilities that are ours and we give in to despair when things go wrong, and it always accuse others.
Osaka EXPO90
(JMBigas, August 1990)

And we should not be forgotten in our history books that when in the Middle Ages, plague and war shook Europe, sunk in misery that left most people completely outside culture and progress elsewhere in the world were other civilizations and cultural levels of achievement enough for ahead of what was practiced by these payments. If not, of course, more and more, it seems that history is limited to our region and that there is no river that crosses our people, born in a foreign land and lost in the fog of terra incognita way to his mouth.

We would be better if we strive to be "a little more, as the Japanese. Without its excesses, which also have (playful, lustful, ethyl ,...). And if we can not change, at least try to make civil society seems a little more to Japanese society.

My best wishes to get hold of nuclear incidents resulting from disasters natural, and the sooner they can remake the losses (human, especially, but also materials).

We need you in top form.



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