Friday, March 11, 2011

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Film: Then came the new and extensive trailer for "Super 8"

"Super 8", the upcoming film from JJ Abrams, for those who are not familiar with the name, is behind such works as "Cloverfield" or series Lost. No doubt he has earned a great reputation in the audiovisual world despite its short but eventful career, and I think from now on every time you hear a project in which it is immersed will be stressed and pay special attention, because you never know what's next with what will surprise us. Love your works or not, we must recognize that not leave indifferent anyone, and that is more than an achievement.

However, we do not stray from the subject. What brings us here and justify this post is that there has appeared a new trailer for his latest film, and best of all, it has nothing to do with any of the previous two we have seen. This time we find a breakthrough as it should, just to show us what we want to relieve us more but not particularly relevant data, something that Abrams is a specialist and also uses in all his works. If this is grounds enough to be interested in the work, meet the producer's name and gives it more interest: Steven Spielberg. Surely a pair that can arouse much interest.

Until now we had not seen many images of the film, and videos that were posted on the internet just let us data on which to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the final result. However, this time I'm sure many satisfaction guaranteed, or at least in part, because despite having a duration of more than two minutes, not that we get to show something we have not seen already. Suspiciously approaches to "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", but with a higher budget will be felt especially in the visual effects. At about this, I hit quite the first scene we could see where the car collides head-on the train which allegedly transported the alien. Although

not satisfied at all with this progress, we must recognize that a trailer is more efficient since it achieves what it intends: to convince us that we want to see that movie, that we know and see more. It was high time to stop these videos, where we tell the whole story in just over two minutes and when we see the long there's not much material. This time, we will have to settle for these few minutes since, until June 10 the film will not reach American theaters. Does anyone doubt it will be summer hit?


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