From now on, I will not buy a DVD or more, nor do I ask to give me none. And that does not mean at all that will not pay for the movies that I feel like seeing.
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movie DVDs (Source: depaginas ) |
Since I'm always fond of movies. I'm not a fan nor a geek, but I like it. And I feel a weakness for English cinema. By that I mean I prefer a mediocre film a mediocre American English. Which of the two abound.
But in the attic I have two big boxes full of VHS tapes with movies that technological obsolescence has become useless. In fact, I have still at home a VHS VCR (I'm not sure it works properly.) Well, not so long ago I used to spend even videos of some of my trips to digital format, to preserve them somehow, and they can be continue to enjoy in the future (I'm not sure how long).
I do not know how much money to spend on VHS movies, but I'm sure many hundreds of dollars, if not several thousand. Paid, therefore, copyrights and other, and so I no longer serves to virtually nothing. Well, yes, I am concerned with the limited storage space.
home I have several cabinets and shelves full of DVDs of all types. There are many who have bought (or have given me) at different times. There are others that come attached to any publication, newspaper, magazine, at no extra cost. And there must be one of those collections at very cheap price, they promote from time to time major newspapers.
And I subscribe to Digital + (what it costs me half a kidney every month, by the way), and its various channels just watching some movies every month (or rather , many pieces movies). With domestic technology available, I can record any of the movies that are broadcast, and put it in my video library for later viewing, or whatever you want. But rarely do because with all the satellite channels over DTT, just by zapping for see what I've thrown consumed spend time thinking.
While I have already told some other time my relationship with the book-object has some liturgical and sensual, my relationship with CDs or DVSs is purely functional. That is, I am interested in strictly the content, and all the space they occupy in my library, on the shelves of the office or even in the attic, is a nuisance that I regard as secondary effect of such support.
When it became clear that the format VHS was passed, I hoped someone would offer to the public to replace VHS tapes for DVD equivalents, for a nominal fee (¿1 € each?). But that did not happen. Only Them Properly dispose of, ie apáñatelas as you can. I do not know if the DVD has plenty of life ahead technology. Blu-Ray does not seem to have too much steam, and the only light in this whole mess is the dissemination of these files contained by, say, computer.
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shelves crammed with DVDs (Source: kaosklub ) |
now, in an external hard drive (it occupies as an average size book) I have saved a few hundred movies. Some come from the named DVD ripping my property, ie the conversion of the film on DVD to a AVI type file, which can be viewed on any computer, or pass it to the living room TV using any computational method (USB key or so). Several of the films I have on this album I have downloaded from the Internet using a file-sharing mechanism. Of those, many have owned, but in formats obsolete.
I realize that I succumb easily to my collector's zeal, and many of these films never find the time, or mood, to see them. But I am consoled by having them there, available.
For which I downloaded from the Web, explicitly have not paid anything to the creators, but I will have paid religiously the canon by the hard drive, and I needed, of course, an ADSL to do so. And that is because this method (called by some, piracy) is the only real method that works, that is. I must also say many of them say classic movies but not in the mainstream are not even available in conventional trade.
Let a little sets. How much we pay for a DVD trade? It depends, of course. If it is a recent film success, they can easily ask for 12, or 15 or even 18 Euros (do not know if even more). Of that money, how much actually goes to the creators of content to the production?. I did the analysis for the books, and I suspect that the answer is similar, and I do not exceed 10% of the price we pay for the DVD. The rest will remain as margin for the outlet itself, or is to reward the work of the Distributor and costs associated with developing such a DVD-product (the copy, the media, the cover, case, storage, transport , etc.). But the role of the distributor in this market is only necessary to sustain a given business model, which is what is clearly obsolete.
Some tell me that the mission of the Distributor is to make known a film, marketing campaigns and advertising. And in reaching the point of sale (whether rooms cinema or the shops that sell DVDs.) I agree. However, all these functions are associated with the business model practiced until now, and it seems clear that things can be thought otherwise.
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Malizia (1973) by Salvatore Samperi with a disturbing Laura Antonelli. lies VHS tape in a box in my cellar. The movie, on my hard drive . |
As a basic principle of trade in the twenty-first century, just belong in chains distribution intermediaries that add more value than added cost.
Why are not there, or have not succeeded, legal sites to make available to the public in all world in the world, movies, content, for a reasonable price for it. If the sale of a DVD creator (the producer) does not charge more than 1 €, we take this value as the base price, and add something for the costs of management and operation of the website that made available. Maybe he could buy for 2 € recent films and some Catalog fewer or no longer have copyright laws (do not know if this is the case).
far as I know, all attempts which have been struck with the fear of piracy and timoratez a sector that gives the feeling that has always believed that there is no other model to enable the existing business, that of life. The initiatives have met with unrealistically high prices, very restricted and limited catalogs everywhere. Let's see, gentlemen. If we take the limit, with a user to purchase a DVD and turn it into a computer file, and can be available to anyone in the world who wants to download. There is no point trying to put gates to the field, because the cows run off the sides.
Therefore, to make available to any user worldwide for legal download on payment of a reasonable amount, a movie, do not mark significant difference in terms of risks of copying, that sell DVDs.
Moreover, there are some websites illegal downloads are taking yes economic benefit from it (of course, without paying royalties to anyone.) What I do seems indisputable is that all artists have the right to participate in any economic benefit to produce its creation (and that goes for the so-called top manta ). The all access to artistic creation has to have a payment could be more controversial, and would be the subject of another debate.
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Álex de la Iglesia, President of the Academy "Without an audience, this makes no sense" (Source: brain-digital ) |
course to be taken into account that many English films not even the subject of illegal downloading (at least in significant numbers), ie they do not have (almost) no interest to the general public ( except family, friends and freaks specialists). And this he has no remedy, because the subsidies are no solution and, as Alex de la Iglesia said the Goya Gala 2011, no audience, this makes no sense . But, on the other hand, some films may be of interest far beyond where they reach current distribution channels.
In summary, the sector needs to think and devise a new business model with the times. But keep in mind that not all artistic creation per se entitled to financial compensation. The audience is king.
I, as an example I do not know if I am, I dream of having access to a legal download site for a reasonable price, it is clear, where you can download the movies I want, knowing I'll get the highest quality possible and that I find, when played with two naked guys buzzing, or a stranger latex coated lashes giving another unknown bound and gagged.
And, of course, I do not think buying a DVD or more. I no longer fit.
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