warn, for those who do not know what that is, not the next release of a Walt Disney film. Earthshine is light reflected by the Earth occurred in the non illuminated by the Sun on the Moon, ie the sun's rays strike the Earth produce a reflection in the area not illuminated by the Sun on the Moon. This area "dark" of the Moon takes on a shade of gray ash, hence its name earthshine. And to understand all this stuff, a picture is worth a thousand ..........
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Eos 450D - f/5.6 - 0.6 seconds
This phenomenon occurs only a few days before and after the new moon as well as our satellite, the Earth has seen from the moon phases. When we see new moon, the Earth appears in the lunar sky and earth "full", is then in those days before and after as best observed the phenomenon of Earthshine. Lunar phase grows and diminishes the land phase parallel to a hypothetical observer on the Moon, the glare intensity decreases until it disappears completely.
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Eos 450D - F/5.6 - 1.3 seconds
ashen light is variable, depending on the place of observation, season, clouds, ice, etc.. To an observer from Spain, if there is an extraordinary brightness and intensity, it means that large storms are located on the Atlantic Ocean, on the contrary, if its brightness is weak, probably in the Atlantic zone is an anticyclone dominates, being the reflecting shallow seas.
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