can not choose where to be born nor the place to run out of days in this world .... O yes. However, you can choose and why or who would come to kill and, especially, how we die.
And I die for you, you and in you, because it gave you like, Tacita piconera, herring and infinite. And like me, many others, wherever they are.
starts today Cluster Competition Cadiz Carnival 2011. Ring today for the first time more choruses and will never be new, which wears between her lips, sometimes they just hummed because memory is short and the repertoire of the years, thank God, long. From now on guitars rip chords and riffs that after such pasodobles recognize as the voice of a loved one. As one who, noting any scars, remember the sweet wound that bled in his day. Today tremble in the distance in space and closer proximity, when His Majesty the Tango bar as the sea the corners of my soul, becoming foam against the confines of rocks.
And we all know that the COAC is not Carnival. Indeed, much is being done in recent years to isolate how much more so in essence means that divine human feast, and much is scratching the maxim of "heritage of Cadiz" (who, incidentally, was born where he comes to to please without ceasing to be a Gadite in all its glory). The competition is a war says, a logical rivalry, a struggle to a final destination has never be a trophy but, rather, a treasure: Cádiz. And in that battle to understand some things can come to understand: envy, competition, last-minute twists ... but always under the banner of the conquest of something much bigger than any man of flesh and bone, that any woman of skin and heat, much larger than any name surname (whether Paco Alba or god Momo). If this beautiful struggle whose skirmishes enjoy the fans and to stop killing of envy songs on the Song of Songs and its predecessors successive or caste is not covered in the Carnaval de Cadiz here cut the matter. If ninguneo, despises, or underestimate the marketing plays that feel the pulse beat with the rhythm ... I'm sorry, gentlemen, but nobody dares to wear the medal carnival. That above you and me, of you, great authors, and any song is Carnival and is Cadiz. And nothing would be neither the one nor the other without people, without the street, without salt, without a smile or a tear ("no one has invented a word that is able to combine the sensation as it is mourn carnival laughter, laugh tenderness, the complaint pouting naked, shuddering with the chords, break a tendon with any joke, feel in penalties while the joys ...?). Nothing would be the carnival if the song did not shake the senses and legs, if not shake the chill, if laughter is not sprout if the palms were not sincere. Because when a song comes out of the throat part of Cádiz and Carnival becomes, and these are you and me.
But, even knowing that Carnival is more than COAC, for many today is the first of many nights when you feel closer to what is his or, rather, closer to what belonging. What can we do, Gades, if your roots submerged cemented in mine and I know when I'm with you I feel at home. And although the exile has its difficult points, I knew I was away I do not regret if I have you inside. I do not regret the physical distance, because as I said a pro Cadiz who knows a lot about all this: "Remember that Cadiz is where you are" (Thanks, Antonio, provided by ...). Because knowing you're there, añorarte is an exercise in sweetness and joy.
So today is a special night. So the COAC, with all its human glory and all its miseries, we drink it in sips long and thirsty lot. Because it's like to feel the breeze by the Alameda, the humming of the waves for the Southern Ocean, the joy of Ball Street, Plaza las Flores or Mentidero. And being in the place you belong to a few nights, but subtract sleep, feel tremendously well.
So ... welcome, COAC 2011. Today:
Friday, February 4, 2011
2010 - Bartender of Cuba, Miguel Angel Cáceres.
righties MUU diestrus (Puerto Real)
2010 - Caracartón José Manuel Martínez Pérez and José M ª Parrado
THE MOLTO Contenti (Córdoba)
in 2010 wretches, Miguel Amate, José Manuel and Rafael Aranda
In 2010 Those who do not learn, the Selu (third prize)
old Zaragoza, Jose Manuel Valdes, David Pérez and José Antonio Pérez Chila.
the garrulous (Valverde del Camino, Huelva)
In 2009 The Informal
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