Banking (which can be criticized for many reasons, but nobody can tell them to neglect their business) many years ago discovered the magic of what has been called multichannel. They realized that the treatment staff in their agencies was only one possible form of relationship with their customers. Aware of this fact, began installing ATMs deployed all kinds of payment cards, telephone banking developed and then Internet banking. Today, the average customer can visit his personal banking agency for only one of every hundred transactions. In between visits, have withdrawn cash from an ATM dozens of times, there will be dozens of payments made with debit or credit transfers will be made to cancel all types of debts, there will be established and canceled several warehouses, have bought and sold several actions. And all this without having to set foot on the bank branch.
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Jesus Mosterín, philosopher and writer, who was this Tuesday Buenafuente (Source: CCCB) |
My father always told the story of the manufacturers of oil burners. At one time in this country, these devices are used in many homes for cooking food. The evolution of technology (and income) brought changes and developments in this field. Some of the manufacturers of oil stoves were killed with their product, because you never knew trace their mission from the story to the class. Others understood that his business was manufacturing and distributing tools or tools for cooking food, and started to produce gas camping stoves when his time.
I think the industry distribution of cultural contents is happening a bit like the manufacturers of oil burners. The publishers are companies that sell books . The mission of the record is selling CDs, music s . And in a display multichannel diversification, the film distributors sell their product to exhibitors (theaters), and also sell DVDs (or BluRays or touching) for domestic consumption.
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Books, the continent's usual setting of the writers (Source: ) |
In other words , all of which act as distributors of continents (books, CD s, DVDs ,...) and not fully assume their role as content distributors . A beautifully bound book, for example, is a jewel literature, but not necessarily a cultural outstanding contribution.
At the end of the chain, the outlets also tend to become entrenched in their physical labor, but with difficulty back to a more conceptual mission, content distribution. Libraries, for example, are mostly places where books are exposed for sale, and the same could be said of the record stores . The concept of multi-channel is absent from their business model, and that can lead to its demise (as the manufacturers of oil burners, for that matter).
In every video or speak, because I suspect they are already well advanced disappearing. The movie theaters have been much more exposed, so far, the concept of multi-channel, the fact that the customer can choose a form different to enjoy a movie, not necessarily attending a screening room. That has forced them to excel and all the competitive advantages available to them, make them more attractive than other forms available, with advanced technology (Dolby sound, 3D ,...), or more amenities (plush seats and more separated from the previous row ,...). And yet, I suspect your business is not bright, because whenever they find it harder to attract people to leave home and move a movie theater. This does not mean anything, that the public interest in cinema in general, or films in particular, has declined. Only consumption patterns are changing with changes in lifestyle and others.
On Tuesday, the program Buenafuente (La Sexta), Mosterín Jesus gave us an excellent lesson in this field. Attended the program to promote his latest book (A favor of the bulls. With a band that notes: Against the run ). You can see the video of his speech here (Part 3, from 3 min peak). Buenafuente, wisely, asked Mosterín, which is much more than just a writer, in his view if possible total freedom on the Web Wisely said the difference between free half as the Red (where everyone does what he wants) and half democratic (where everyone does what you fancy most.) From this point of view, possibly the TV itself is a rather democratic (hearing records oriented content to the majority), but little freedom. Only the profusion of channels gives some freedom to the individual, which did not exist at the time of television binary (on / off first, VHF / UHF a little later.)
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The CD, s are the usual continent for music makers (Source: direct-access ) |
Speaking of his new work, she told Buenafuente that if someone buys the book you hold in your hands and pay, say 10 Euros, I will 1 Euro, which, with discounts and taxes, will stay in the middle Euro , which is little. For nothing I averse to half a euro, especially if you buy many . But, he added, if you travel to major cities in Latin America (cited Buenos Aires, Lima ,...) and visit the bookstores there, we realize that there are virtually no books in Spain for sale. That in places with whom we share language.
In practice, this means that the industry does not provide it to citizens of those countries access to content created in Spain. That explains, of course, the complexity of distribution and logistics book continent, and the atomization and dispersion of potential applicants. Mosterín said that, as author, he is concerned that everyone has access to content of their books, their ideas, their theories, their exhibitions. Interested in being an author known . Although that does not give even half a euro that was talking about, it provides other advantages (not specified, but we can imagine conferences, collaborations, etc.. Etc..)
With subtlety, he made clear Mosterín the publishing industry that books that manufactures and distributes more than one channels of dissemination of ideas, content he has created.
He cited also the impediments that the industry has developed, for example, it is impossible to buy a DVD or BluRay in the United States for use in Spain (with the introduction of the restriction and other areas). Is prevented by the fear that massive movements of goods from one market to another, taking advantage of the prices are not exactly the same everywhere. Again, the tide.
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Movie theaters are one of the channels of distribution industry film (Source: peliculasdecine ) |
And today will be voted (and approved, most likely) Sinde Act in the Senate. Angeles Gonzalez Sinde acts very well as Minister Lobbyist , a figure that we're not very used, but a part, for example, the American daily reality. Represented in the Government to lobby for audio-visual creators and, with some additional boost U.S. government, seeking to protect their very powerful film industry, will bring forward this legislation. In some ways, will be devoted the fact that the dissemination of cultural content legal only if it is lucrative. And that access to them is impossible for those who can not afford them.
Mosterín Jesus brought this Tuesday, the program Buenafuente, opinion (dissenting on the merits) of a certain type creator.
time ago, I performed a test sounding of the books in some other article . According to this seems a serious misunderstanding that the electronic version of a paper book that sells for 20 Euros (of which the author barely perceive two) is put up for sale for 16 Euros. Possibly, its reasonable price (if we disregard the mortally afraid that the industry has called piracy ) out of, say, three or four euros (of which two would remain for the author).
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DVD, s (or BluRays) continents alternative for filmmaking (Source: depaginas ) |
Therefore, from here, modest but formally asked President Zapatero to rename the Ministry of the Minister Sinde as the Ministry of Cultural Industry, and immediately named a Minister or Minister of Culture, really. Of course that may not make much sense to have a Cultural Industry Ministry itself, and it would have a Secretary of State or Director General or by a lower level.
In short, the cultural industry must be able to fully assume its mission in the Distribution of Cultural Contents. If not, others will do it for her, and eventually disappear as they did in their day oil stoves manufacturers who failed to recycle time.
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