The other Friday I watched Pa Negre in film. I mentioned already here . The film (and the novel, for somewhat different reasons) I loved it and I thought a masterpiece.
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The film has had some negative reviews. On the one hand, of course, the cave media has attacked mainly by the reluctance to Catalan film (and filmed in Catalan) has been winning nine Goya awards gala in English film. Have been considered catalanófilos dark lobbies at the Academy, and even pressure from gay groups (because the director would have this sexual orientation, which is totally devoid of interest and do not have the slightest significance.)
But I've also seen criticism moviegoers negative, citing some inconsistencies in the script and others. I wanted to see the movie again, with all this in mind, to see my first opinion in light of these criticisms.
Following a trail that I located on Twitter, I came to Filmin Web, offering me watch (legally, of course) movie online (streaming) for a reasonable price (2, € 95) from my home computer. The computer equipment I have in my house is not at NASA. I have a 3Mbps DSL and a PC tower with a few years (Pentium 4@3.06GHz, 1.5 GB of memory, XP) with a good sound card and two midrange speakers with subwoofer. Oh, and LCD flat screen 19 ".
This site also offers the possibility of fertilizers (monthly, quarterly, annually) for unlimited viewing during this time of the films from its catalog not Premier .
aa I decided to register on the site, buy the movie (you can watch anytime you want for 72 hours in VO, VOSE or the version dubbed into Castilian) and spend the following two hours to enjoy again with Pa Negre . Of course, with a cubatita hand and a pair or three of cigarillos (hope I have not violated any law.) I put full screen on your PC, and I saw (and heard) perfectly, without any mishap.
And I stand by my previous opinion. The film seems to me excellent, with good performances and a narrative rhythm quite exceptional. Nora Navas and Laia Marrull are slightly histrionic, but perfectly embody the tragedy and drama of the lives of their characters. Francesc Colomer carrying on his (young) behind the narrative, and Marina Comas fall in love again in his role as Nuria, with tear of his marginality, his early maturity, and the deep tenderness that is displayed with one who understands.
But I wanted to focus today on the very existence of a website with this service and what it means in the necessary evolution of an industry like the film.
In line with the recent Goya Awards Gala , the discourse of Álex de la Iglesia and some interventions occurred during the approval process Sinde Law, wrote an article on the culture industry (especially the movie) and the ideas and movements that should be done to try to get out of the lethargy that gripped a long time, and threatens to liquidate: Content Industry "or Continents? .
proposed the need for industry to make available on the Web, a new channel of access to their movies for a price I felt was reasonable in the 2 €. Well, Filmin's website can be viewed quite a few films (which are not rabid novelty and / or present) for € 1.95. I think it represents a significant step in the right direction.
But it is still quite modest step. Filmin represent a part of independent production (off-Hollywood of course) and its catalog of more than 600 films are made up of films which, in big cities would have to go see some of the mini cinema center. And beyond them there would be no viable alternative display. Thanks to the Web, your audience can access wherever you are, and although it is very minor. It seems clear that films that might gather in a mini cinema in Madrid, Barcelona or Valencia to one or two dozen spectators in a session, could hardly think of display in Soria Teruel, Ourense or Almeria. And not to mention in Almoravieja of Partridge (assuming it exists).
For such films, the Internet represents an opportunity rather obvious round their meager incomes. And this applies to some English films or other minority cinemas.
The challenge is to have this type of service for mainstream cinema. For Hollywood blockbusters and English films even for the general public. That is, they try to develop a clear strategy for multichannel . Going to the movies like activity is neither necessary nor exactly what a movie . Go to the movies is (usually) a social (family, friends ,...) that has their own liturgy (popcorn, soda ,...). And the film exhibition business should take care of that theatrical distribution channel for the industry: multiplexes with a wide range (in theme, time ,...) with the highest technical means (big screen, surround sound, 3D .. .), comfortable, with parking facilities, etc. Enjoy a movie in a movie theater has its price, which is more or less established and perceived as reasonable.
But the film industry should and can have other distribution channels. One of them is television, and in fact many of them have a wealth of activity in film production (through cost ,...) to get preferential rights antenna. Another channel is the hardware (which we take home forever, or at least until that technology does not become obsolete), and there are DVDs, Blu-Ray or whatever it touches.
and another channel is and should be the Web At one point we have identified four possible channels distribution. According to the commercial ambitions of each film, eventually using all or only some of them. Some movies can not hope to achieve theatrical exhibition (at least beyond a few persons for a few days back, in a mini cinema two or three large cities). For others, the editing support (DVD. ..) may not reach store displays, and can only be purchased online through specialized web sites. Some may covet the prime time of a national television channel, while others must comply with late night on specialized channels of DTT, cable or satellite.
But for any film, the Web is a viable channel of distribution. Is to view them on a classical computer, or a next-generation TV, or any other type of device (tablet, console, smartphone ,...).
Any consumer charge of this century can and will understand that a movie is not displayed in any room of your town or city. Also not available on DVD in stores of El Corte Ingles and FNAC. It also means that you can see it on television at ten night in TVE, Antena 3 and Tele or 5 or La Sexta. But, increasingly, can not understand it impossible to view it online from the Internet, upon payment of a reasonable price. As is the case for a restricted list, however, in the web of Filmin .
have to touch the alarm, and the film industry should thoroughly review their distribution strategies, and intelligently manage the various channels available. He who does not feel like going to the movies (for whatever reason, including that no sla next, or make it impossible to move) is entitled to be see the movie you want.
each channel will work to promote and advertise their use. Exhibitors will try to convince viewers to move to their cinemas, offering benefits that compensate them for it. So will the DVS stores, s, the self-promotion of television or websites that put legally available.
At the end of the chain, the producer who has exhibited his money, it matters little that the revenue will reach the right hand or left hand, or one of the two feet. Long as the money ends up in enough, the heart .
And for those films that really are of no interest to anyone anywhere (except, perhaps, his own manager) industry (and authorities) will have rigorously consider what is the point of funding.
In the words of Alex de la Iglesia: Without an audience, this makes no sense .
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