'Twilight' hits the accelerator to exploit the seam
should be finished the cake before it cools. This is what I should have thought managers Summit Entertainment, the production company to film the series 'Twilight', that have decided stepped up and end the franchise in 2011 and in 2013 such as planned.
With 'Eclipse' on the set - again starring Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart - which hit theaters in the summer of 2010, may be directed by English director JA Bayona.
But the production has gone there in their calculations and decided to give a tremendous sprint at the end of the saga. Thus, the film version of 'Sunrise' ('Breakin Dawn'), the teen vampire last book written by Stephanie Meyer will begin shooting in spring 2010 with the intention to have your release in the Christmas of that year or at the latest, in early 2011.
Thus the 'Twilight Saga' advance its final two years since the last film was scheduled to see the light in theaters in 2013. A movement that would achieve two objectives: to exploit the phenomenon "Twilight" before the fever effervescent feel his followers, compulsive consumers of everything that has to do with Meyer's characters, in addition to evaporate and prevent the aging of the protagonists, as has happened with other franchises like 'Narnia' or 'Harry Potter'.
Here I let you some pictures d Eclipse:

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