Demi Lovato would love to act in Twilight Eclipse

And why would act in the Twilight saga? Mainly states that to be with Taylor Lautner. Although Demi Lovato makes clear that all is not a dream, it feels almost impossible to act with them. Demi Lovato
claims to be a big fan of the Twilight saga. And in addition to its clear and undoubted admiration for Taylor Lautner, also confessed to being very attracted to Robert Pattinson, and especially for his great performance of Edward Cullen.
few weeks ago we discussed the possible flirtation between Selena Gomez (companion "Disney" and friends with Demi Lovato) with Taylor Lautner in Vancouver. So if we add the statements of Demi Lovato for Twilight, along with the Jonas Brothers (they have no objections to comment they would like to compose some songs for the soundtracks of films), almost all of the Disney star are with Twilight.
Well, almost all: Miley Cyrus
admits his distaste for Twilight

In a radio interview, Cyrus, who shot to fame thanks to her character Hannah Montana, said: "I've never seen and never see. I do not believe it," referring to the movie about vampires and werewolves , whose recently released sequel, New Moon, swept the box office.
"I do not like vampires. I do not like wolves suddenly appear on the screen of my TV at night," added the actress and singer.
On the other hand, the Disney star says he does not understand how their friends are so hooked on Twilight and excited about the release of the second delivery. So I always asked that, at least in their presence, do not talk about it.
However, what has drawn attention is that after pleading enemy of Twilight, Miley Cyrus has signed on to shoot a movie (Wings (Wings), in which she starred as a young woman of 15 who becomes a fairy), especially with the film's producers, Marty Bowen and Wyck Godfrey.
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