Look ... "... Anyway, there is a small nuance in which I have not repaired parents. Since I was nine years, I have not done anything but write and music for my poems. I said that this gift will help me become something in life. For now it is the carnival, but do not rule out the possibility of singing around with my guitar. Singing with my guitar! ... I had forgotten that I have to have surgery and I got these three strange singers that live inside my body. Tomorrow will bring another pasodoble I just finished, one that speaks of Cadiz from the photographs that a father teaches his daughter. Tomorrow, when you open your mouth, cachondeito be secured in a row because I do the tenor, contralto and the second at a time. And is that up to fatigue that I am a carnival and a precursor ..."... Antonio MartÃnez Ares - Pumpkins
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