begin to write a story, not every time you update it'll keep posting info on things related to vampires, but I guess if We often .
learning that you may go little by little, as you type. Even I know that will occur in the following pages, but if that is how it starts:
That night the sky was cloudless, the stars and moon illuminated everything with its dim light, making it possible to walk between trees without bumping into any stones that may be in the ground. The cold wind howled through the branches, which had been stripped of all and each of its leaves, and now these were on the ground, cracking to be trodden by my "talk" black.

kept going trying to make as little noise, and the five senses alert, in case anyone was following me, he could escape effectively. By the time she was alone.
I went to a mansion that was lost amid the thick forest, with no way of communicating with the city. I saw in the distance, with the lights off. The painting of the exterior walls were raised and discolored, and roof tiles were missing. But there was abandoned, if only it were inhabited, half at night.
I walked until I got to the porch, where a swing was eaten by bugs, and leaves are piled against the wall and in corners. I climbed the ladder, I approached and opened the Purete carefully, this squeaked and resisted being open but could not stop.
Because the windows were very dirty in the dim light of the moon and the stars could not enter and illuminate the interior of the mansion, so it was very dark inside, so I took the flashlight from inside the small bag of cloth, and black hanging on my back. Turn it on and I entered the house through the corridor, overlooking a large room filled with red velvet sofas and dusty shelves full of old books and a home with gray ash inside.
was a door across the room, I went into this with stealth. But when I was just a step away from the door, a hand grabbed my neck and throw me to the nearest couch. I felt confused, the hand would not let me get some air but if I could let out a loud scream. It was no use, that shriek, and there was no one to less than three miles.
The owner of the hand seemed determined to kill me choking, but when I thought I was going to faint from lack of oxygen, the hand is relaxed and I took advantage of this moment to breathe sharply. Then let me see my attacker because he had a pale skin shining, the iris of the eyes of a very pale blue, while hardly distinguish the whites of the eyes, and her lashes were long, her perfect nose, had few sensual lips, the color black hair reached below her jaw, just above the shoulders that were broad and muscular, dressed in black, but not more distinguished piece of clothing that was because that I had dropped the flashlight floor beside the door. The boy had a sly charm and magic.
- Who are you? and What are you doing here? - the mouth of that boy about fifteen years came a male voice and blunt, but velvety.
"I just came to talk to anyone living in this mansion ...- could only whisper and I still have the air of fear he had and because his hand was on my neck .- Let go of my neck, please. The
ignored my request.
- What do you tell?
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