Teens halfway around the world have fallen in love with this young man by the vampire Edward, his character in the saga Twilight. At just 23 years, the actor confesses that he is very romantic and that much work takes you away from your family of friends. The magazine 'Ten Minutes' interviewed him in exclusive.
Robert Pattinson is the new idol of teenage girls half the world. His immortal role of Edward in the Twilight saga has made the vampires again have as many fans as fifteen years ago, when millions of fans sighed Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt in Interview with the Vampire. Robert, 23, tells his secrets in this interview. ===
Robert, what scene from "New Moon" left you best memory?
"I was in Italy, the scene where I have to go out into the daylight. There were too many extras, many fans of "Twilight" who had traveled to the place just to see us.
Why was it so important?
"I felt a lot of responsibility to be in front of so many people obsessed with this story. It was a moment of nerves and also the shot where I felt closer to the character.

"I am so possessive as EDWARD"
=== And the scene where your character decides to leave Bella?
"It was very strange, but helped the fans of the series. For them, the relationship between Bella and Edward is ideal. And he feels the weight of that pressure. ===
Is there anything in common between your personality and Edward?
"I guess that for some things, I am also stubborn. Sometimes I get obsessed and I am very possessive. ===
What haunts you?
-Hmm .... ===
Your privacy?
"In a way (laughing). How am I so obsessed? I have very specific ideas about what I want from my work and how I like to be perceived. I do not pay attention to anyone and therefore I have no publicist. I could not stand someone trying to tell me to do something concrete. I am very meticulous and a maniac who wants to control everything. ===
Have you got used to the phenomenon "Twilight"?
-still struggle against certain things but I'm more relaxed. By itself, shooting I'm not afraid because I love the people I work and I have few disagreements with the script.
=== Do you like your fans want to know beyond the character of Edward?
"I think that work is accomplished. The interviews seem especially risky because no one is so interesting. But it also has to do with the fact that we really do not know who I am. Nor do I want to be any character in the society.

=== What is the strangest experience you've had with a fan?
... There's so many, but lately because there's more security. It's always funny when adults come up to me. One day a woman approached me about 90 years. It is very unusual, but say the same thing that girls of twelve (laughs). ===
Your lifestyle has changed a lot? How do you feel when you move away from film studio to face the true reality?
"That's the problem. Still do not get out of the movie studio. Since January 14 I went through three separate studies. I only had three days' rest. So I can not tell if it really changed my life because I'm in a studio and I will continue this way until next year. At least, I feel that I'm still exactly the same ... and maybe not a good thing.

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