
2 ª q
picture actors involved in l second pelin (mui is not good you will x q ace ... )
Sera q 2 days before the United States, we separate pribilegiadas unique ls d France ... xo ls lk matter first d esk we see the film at all he world!! yl explanation to this is in the statement d Aurum (k sn ls charge d the distrubution in the movies based on works in Spain Meyer Estephenie d) k says:
"the insistence loyalty and increasing interest of the English fans, as well as the support of the Summit Entertainment production in this decision, to have been instrumental in allowing Spain is, together with France, the first country to release the film worldwide, "
goes on to say:
--------- _ ---- _ --------------- _ ------------- _ ---------- _ ---------- -------------- --- _ ----------
And this month started the Eclipse rodage d!
Xo and read according to the actress Rachelle Lefevre (q ace d victory) will no longer be in the movie, will be replaced x Brice Dallas Howard, without counting the blessings cn ls d fans!
and as stressed in the news all k xk contract had another 10 days cuencidia cn ld dl the 3 rd movie saga!
siesk ... people do not know d reconcile one thing at a time ...
and she cn this a bit silly ... q cn famous as the Acer these movies can be ...
for that is all x aora!
encourage these last weeks before returning to the routine d k d kill boredom! ^ ^

New Moon premiered in Spain earlier in the united states q!
Cm unclear Spain xk ls fans d dl are the best fans in world! jejeje "the insistence loyalty and increasing interest of the English fans, as well as the support of the Summit Entertainment production in this decision, to have been instrumental in allowing Spain is, together with France, the first country to release the film worldwide, "
goes on to say:
"This privilege will allow the English seguiores the twilight saga be the first in the world to enjoy on the big screen continuation of the passionate and dangerous romance between Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen"
d after this piece has a few things more xo this is the most important.
I love praise us in this release ... k aora xk is insistent we are faithful ... k sounds good, right? cn xo I d insistent pats us not be calling you? weno da = xk x and at least I got what Qeri q ... be a l d the first world to see the movie! dk Q I have come forward q 18 d in November! ^ ^
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