Friday, March 25, 2011

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Film: Juno Temple and would be confirmed for Batman 3, Christopher Nolan

few days ago spoke of the actress Juno Temple expected to join the Christopher Nolan Batman 3. Now his name and would be officially attached to the cast, but it was not expected second important female role in production. Recall that the first was that of Anne Hathaway, giving life to none other than Catwoman.

Filming of Batman 3 will run from next May. Christopher Nolan again in front, and perhaps closing their work in the popular franchise based on the DC. Also with the actor Christian Bale as the hero of Gotham. In his cast

we see the usual names like the ever brilliant Michael Caine (all a regular on the work of Nolan), Morgan Freeman and Gary Oldman. Not to mention the newcomers. As Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and the aforementioned Juno Temple.

We do not know too much about the plot of Batman 3, but several players spoke and wonders the same. Of course, it would throw stones at his own roof, but at least is a reference.

Batman 3 will be released in theaters next July 20, 2012. With a good portion of your footage in IMAX format. So far no word of 3D, because Christopher Nolan is not a big fan of that technology.

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Cinema: Sony already preparing sequel to The Amazing Spider-Man

has not yet released The Amazing Spider-Man -In fact, requires more than a year, and Sony Pictures and is pulling the strings to have a sequel ready in time. As reported in The Hollywood Reporter, the film and would have assigned a writer to begin preparing the script immediately.

This writer is neither more nor less than James Vanderbilt, writer involved in the project late Spider-Man 4, Sam Raimi, and will return to the franchise supposedly for the sequel to The Amazing Spider-Man, will remember that a reboot of the series in any order.

Vanderbilt is responsible for the outstanding book by David Fincher's Zodiac, besides being the author of the screenplays for such films as In the dark and The Rundown.

Directed by Marc Webb, The Amazing Spider-Man will be starring Andrew Garfield (Social Network), Emma Stone (rumors and lies), Martin Sheen as Uncle Ben, Sally Field as Aunt May, and Dr. Rhys Ifans Curt Connors / Lizard.

Its release is scheduled for July 3, 2012.

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Film: Put up 'The search 3' with Nicolas Cage Film

Under the provisional title of The Quest 3, starts the new draft action from the Disney factory production with Jerry Bruckheimer. The script will be borne by Doug Miro and Carlo Bernard.

course with the presence of Nicolas Cage, although now there is no date set, but as advertised, no one is aware that we may have in hand a debut to summer 2012.

"National Treasure (National Treasure)" grossed $ 347 million worldwide, while its sequel, "National Treasure: Book of Secrets", joined 457 million, so this saga of adventure is a good vein for the film industry.