And, high in the sky, the moon looked expectantly the scene. Saw how his daughter was crying uncontrollably. What could I do? Had already given him the stars forever. And it could come down to comfort her, that was the promise. I should
Bagar for a changing world night after night. View all humans disappear wanted and not being able to help more than one way: by changing its existence.
This had broken my heart, turning it into a monster. No pity from anyone, not allowed to feel human emotions for fear, as had happened on that cold and stormy December night.
Someone approached the alley, called by the sobs of fragile beauty.
was a young man wearing a thick coat of wolf's clothing. Her hair was tied with a leather belt in a ponytail. The top half his face was the only piece of him that was exposed. In this half highlighted the tip of the nose and cheeks, which were reddened by the cold. Appeared to be upper class, one of those young people living in a mansion and going to dances in search of the ideal wife.

Moon intrigued, while the young man was walking towards his destiny, wondering how reactionary his daughter when asked politely that he had suffered.
"What do you think of beautiful young lady?" Asked the boy, velvety voice.
The surprise invaded the girl's face but that was his only reaction. Neither ran off quick as lightning, or go for the jugular of the young, and those were the two reactions was expected the Moon, his mother, who believed to know it perfectly.
CANBIO That night there was something in the girl, and not escape his past .