CHAPTER 1. -> Raid Night (p. 3) - Why have you sent him?
-Request your help. ***
I went to the meeting point, through the forest and the way to the mansion, but this time with an answer.
A thin clouds covered the blanket was covering escuro full of stars and a huge full moon.
These clouds prevented the coca moonlight illuminate minimally reached the ground, so ive stumbled as he groped the flashlight in my backpack. When I realized that was not came to my mind that I had Tugging at the library of the mansion and I had forgotten to retrieve it.
now would have to walk for an hour and a half in darkness, until it began to dawn. There was also the possibility of waiting for first light to see where he was, but he had made it clear that it was urgent and that once obtained the answer I should go to the meeting point as fast as I could. So I stopped, I kept stumbling abanzando among tall trees, with arms outstretched before me for EBIT Bruz me against what might be ahead. ***
I approached the cemetery. If you could strain your eyes distinguish his silhouette in the luxurious BMW, which was parked near some elms that were guarding the Murtas. Abanco
the shadows, hiding from the rays of a sunrise rogizos more promising than the last.
He repeatedly turned on and turned off the headlights, only then I knew I had seen. I stood and walked to where he stood, then reached into the car and entered the passenger door.
Darkness enveloped us and the silence took over. I felt uncomfortable sitting next to him, he was my boss, a formidable man who was best not to upset, and I'm just a girl who had left everything behind and was now in the midst of a war that did not belong.
Finally the silence was cut by boz aspera.
"You should bring me good news today to attack us again.
"Things ended badly for me, I say what I say." Dige me to myself.
"His answer was yes, but with one condition. - Dürnten waited a few seconds to digest something or ask, in this short period of time became impatient.
- Am I the think say or pretend that adibine?
-emmm ... to order ... that if it helps, you doit you a favor, and that it agrees to this pact will partner with your opponents. TO BE CONTINUED