Water Rocket
Water Rocket
This rocket is powered by alcohol in a gaseous state. Rocket is a very simple, inexpensive and low hazard. You need a bottle, a metal cap with a small hole, a pitcher and if possible a nozzle. The lid must have a hole less than half a cm. The nozzle (if any) must be placed in that hole. It is desirable to place a cone and fins to the bottle to fly better. The bottle should be dry. 5-6 drops are poured into ethanol at 96 degrees (you can take more than everyone, but the more you check, the more likely it explodes). Closes quickly and tighten and release the bottle about 4 times. Squeezing the bottle out the air and release it reappears. This provides ventilate and alcohol (Which is very volatile) to evaporate. Place the bottle in the launcher (it should be raised to gain access to the nozzle, and should be facing up and secured from falling) and a burning match or a lighter to the nozzle. Then burn the inside of the bottle by alcohol and pressure to be much higher than outside, the gas exits through the small hole at high speed driving the rocket. The cap should be metal (to avoid burning) and must be secured, but will be released. Not rise much because it is rarely used alcohol as well, boosting only occurs at the beginning, not maintained as in rockets or missiles. The impulse lasts a few seconds, then raises it inertia. Repeat it is important that the plug is attached, so as not to leave (they can hit you) and making the hole much larger exhaust, so there is less gas escape velocity. If allowed to cool the rocket can be reused (if the cap continues to function).
Water Rocket:
This rocket was to be in the top three systems to increase the internal pressure. One would be using vinegar and baking soda (instead of water), which when mixed produce C02. This leads to increased pressure inside the bottle. But it was ruled out, since it is quite complex to install a system to do so (although we design one, but can cause structural problems and holes appear.) The system was placed into a specimen bottle with baking soda, and a cap that was attached to a stick. This rod pierce the bottle in one side. When tightening the rod moves the lid and drops into baking. But to run the hole in the bottle to put the rod has to be accurate so as not to leave the air. We also have to cut the bottle to re-install it and then seal it. So there are great chances that does not work.
Therefore, this rocket has only two propulsion systems. It is a 2-liter bottle of soda, with a narrow hole, something that benefits us. It has 4 fins placed at the bottom for stability and a cone at the tip to provide less air resistance (in fluid dynamics, the bodies whose surface contact with air increases slowly, like a rocket, they produce less resistance). It also has a parachute to slow significantly enough speed on the descent (to weigh less down by not having water or pressurized air inside). The parachute is made of several plastic bags and strings attached. The rocket will go up, and stuck to the tip. Turning up the air will stick to it, however, when lowered, will inflate and has come down and this will open it. But you may well rise by less, exercised more air resistance.
The bottle is between one quarter and one third water. It has two rings of cardboard around it, that in case of excess pressure better split it (although as cardboard are of little use). At the bottom, on one side has a swollen shell or valve. Comes from the inner tube of a bicycle. On the other side is a D-cell battery to counterbalance and straight up. In this shell will connect a bottle (with adapter) of CO2 that is used to inflate bicycle tires punctured. This will give you a very considerable pressure. Finally, the nozzle is a cork with a hole. In this cork is another shell which is placed a pump to inflate. Both shells are secured by various adhesives though because we have been forced to drill the bottle to put the shells were a few holes. Yet the pressure should be sufficient to work.
launcher was placed in a timber that we built. They will begin to swell with air pump. Once you have enough pressure, will the bottle of CO2, which rapidly increase the pressure. Then the buffer is released leaving behind inflation pump and pouring water down (3 Newton's third law action or reaction) will be driven. When the Earth's gravity is greater than its acceleration and then start to slow down, opening the parachute. By the shells get it to enter air but not out, as these have a mechanism that prevents this (while pressure is lifted and closes the air flow out).
The same rocket can be done more easily by removing the CO2 cylinder, or removing the air pump. This will make it easier. Can also be done only with air, but is far worse, since the water out, there is a physical reaction, a major push.
Preparations to launch
Rocket ready to launch
Other rockets:
Besides those already mentioned, you can make several more, though very simple. One is a simple balloon, the elongated sold in stores, which is placed a plastic nozzle on the nozzle. This provides that it does not move and the balloon rises straight. The balloon is flexible, so that inflates and be flexible, contracts, expelling the air. This brings up thanks to its small weight. Practically, it is impossible to add any weight, because then it would not be able to move and lift additional charge.
A match can also be a rocket. Albal covered with paper and a small hole in it. With a clip, we construct a launcher and light the match with a lighter heating Albal paper. This goes on and the gases produced can only go by a little canal, acquiring high-speed gas and propelling the match. But it's hard to keep the address.
To improve the aerodynamics of the rocket is advisable to put a cone on the top. The resistance will be less if the surface increases smoothly and not abruptly. The fins will give stability, since it will rotate about its own axis without deviating. The weight is crucial, more weight, you need more propulsion. Even in modern industry to develop rockets and try to be as light as possible. The fuels also play an important role and be difficult to overcome Earth's gravity will need some very energetic. The pitcher must be stable (which does not fall to take off the rocket) and attach it to rocket to look up without offering great resistance to rise up.
Different launch
To improve the drive, you can put a nozzle in the nozzle, which directs all the downward thrust vector form. Attaching a parachute to the rocket can get down smoothly. This can be achieved with several bags and tied with strings attached. By heating a gas, it expands because its molecules are moving, take more. If you are locked in a site, increasing the pressure. But for the temperature variation to be effective, require an increase above 50 degrees. If not, just increases the pressure. When you mix vinegar and baking soda is a reaction that emits CO2 and increase the pressure. The rocket fuel are complex, but there are some manuals on the Internet about its construction: